
Contents of activities

2020/10/23, 11/20 The training workshops for 131 Health Center staffs of all 18 Communes in Phu Cat Prefecture were held using on-line system.

The training workshops for all Health Center staffs (131 members) of 18 Communes in Phu Cat Prefecture were held using on-line system on October 23rd and November 20th. The second workshop was actually postponed about one month due to the typhoon. Phu Cat medical center staffs who participated in the last year training played roles of lecturers in this workshop. They prepared for their own handouts. Japanese members also joined in this workshop by on-line system and an interpreter supported the communication between Vietnamese and Japanese.


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JICA office, School of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University

5-11-80 Kodatsuno, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. 920-0942
